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Successful launch

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Thank you!

First of all, we want to thank all of you for coming out to our BruBotics launch and for showing such great enthusiasm for our project.

What's next?

Do you still have some questions after our event, do you have an exciting idea, do you need a partner in a research project, do you want to brainstorm or discuss with us how robotics can help people or do you want to learn more about some of our ongoing or future projects?

Contact us!

We are always on the lookout for new exciting partnerships where human robotics can make a difference.

Human robotics: a positive story

Over 230 people from industry, care and policy making attented the launch event on 27 April. 

The evening started with a warm welcome from Rector Paul De Knop to a city and a university where magic happens every single day. The BruBotics chairman prof. Dirk Lefeber next sketched the evolution of robotics research and highlighted the growing need for interdisciplinary research on the subject. Finally, the BruBotics Business Developers Lennert Vierendeels and Jacques Langhendries introduced BruBotics.

Through testimonials from the Vice-Prime minister Alexander De Croo, Audi Brussels CEO Patrick Danau and Kris Goos from the To Walk Again foundation, BruBotics hoped to show next how robots can help our society, our industry and above all people. 

Finally, the evening was concluded by a poster session where the guests where given the chance to meet the researchers and learn to know their research. 


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