
The CYBATHLON is a unique opportunity to further improve and test the research done at the VUB to create the next generation of robot-assisted prostheses. We hope that these will one day improve the lives of thousands of people. However, to make this dream come true we are still looking for:

  • Researchers that are interested in contributing and learning.
  • Parathletes with a transfemoral amputation that are willing to collaborate with us in the coming months to test our knee prosthesis. Your participation will help enhance our research, and you will represent us in Kloten, Switzerland in October 2024.

Join Our Team for the CYBATHLON!

We are looking for people with a transfemoral amputation willing to join our team and compete in the Cybathlon on October 25-27 in Zurich. If you are interested, feel free to join our information session. Register your attendance by filling in this form

Event Details:

Date: March 23rd
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Building Z, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene (parking is available on the campus, entrance via Triomflaan next to the building - access 8)

What to Expect:

During the event, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Preview and test our prosthetic device, providing us with valuable feedback to help us refine and improve its performance
  • Learn About CYBATHLON, and discover how our team is preparing to compete
  • Learn how you can contribute to our ongoing efforts to revolutionize prosthetic technology.

Can't Attend?

Unable to join us in person? No problem! You can still express your interest in joining our team by completing the form. We will reach out to you to discuss potential opportunities for collaboration.


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask them! You can contact us at


We look forward to seeing you there!


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