For 12 years our lab researched how to make a bionic ankle prosthetic that truly allow people, who suffered a below the knee amputation, to walk again and live an active life. Novel technology was developed and patented such as a locking mechanism for storing energy in a spring. After 4 prototypes the technology was mature enough to create a spin-off called Axiles Bionics and start the final development and certifcation steps. Axiles Bionics raised €2,4M in a Series A financing round and later received an Innoviris grant of €2M to execute the development.
The Brubotics groups MFYS and R&MM have researched and created a smart lower-limb ortho-prosthesis. Important in such research is to take the physiology of the user into account when controlling the prosthesis such that human like motions and intuitive control can be obtained. The prosthesis was developed to allow daily tasks such as sit to stance, and was put to the test in the ETH Zurich Cybathlon, a competition for assistive technologies.
More information on the Cyberlegs project can be found below:
EU FP7 project Cyberlegs: Cybernetic Lower-Limb cognitive Ortho-Prosthesis. Image: (c) Massimo Brega
The AidWear project aims to develop the artificial intelligence frameworks that are necessary to enable Robotic Assistive Devices (active prosthetics and lower-limb exoskeletons) that give Parkinson’s patients and individuals with an amputation a better quality of life. Building on the results of the AI4exo project and taking advantage of existing hardware, AidWear will advance three areas of interest: intention detection, mid-level optimization, and dynamic simulation.
The project will generate international exposure for Belgian AI and robotics through participation in the 2024 CYBATHLON competition. Furthermore, there are concrete paths to provide a return to society, such as technology transfer to existing Belgian start-ups, reduced healthcare costs for two large patient groups, and dissemination activities to showcase the potential of AI and robotics in healthcare.
This project is made possible by the Federal Public Service for Policy and Support.