    Social Robots
    Compliant Actuation
    Exoskeletons & Prosthetics

Robots & Multibody Mechanics (R&MM)

At a glance:
  • Faculty: Engineering
  • 39 researchers
  • 1 ERC Grant
  • Main areas of expertise:
    • Compliant, safe, energy efficient and self healing actuators
    • Assistive and rehabilitation exoskeletons
    • Energy efficient and lightweight powered prostheses
    • Implementing robotic co-workers (cobots) in industry
    • (Supervised) Autonomous Human Robot Interaction, with focus on children and older people.

List of publications can be found here

The Robots & Multibody Mechanics (R&MM) Research Group from the Faculty of Engineering is involved in both fundamental and applied research on Human-Centered Robotics for more than 20 years. Her current research covers 2 main domains (pHRI and cHRI) and is applied mainly in the manufacturing industry and in healthcare. With several EU H2020 and FP7 projects, a leading role in the Strategic Research Center Flanders Make of the Flemish Government, and with solid partnerships with companies ranging from multinationals to SME's, R&MM is one of the leading research groups on the topic of Human Robotics in Belgium and Europe.

Physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI)

R&MM is a leading expert on compliant actuation, with a strong focus on safe and energy efficient compliant actuation. Recently they have also started with ground-breaking work on self-healing actuation. Using the developed actuators, R&MM develops several prototypes for rehabilitation and assistive exoskeletons, bionic prostheses and human-augmentation devices.


Cognitive/social Human-Robot Interaction (cHRI)

H2020 Dream Project

R&MM develops social robots and investigates their use in for example robot enhanced psychotherapies for children with mental disorders or for elderly care. R&MM both uses its in-house developed Probo robot as well as 3rd party robots, such as the NAO from Aldebaran. The EU H2020 project aims for example to deliver the next generation robot-enhanced therapy (RET) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Collaborative robots in the manufacturing industry

A new generation of industrial robots make closer human-robot collaboration on the workfloor possible. These "cobots" or "collaborative robots" are a great way to complement a human's intelligence, creativity and dexterity with a robot's strength, precision and reliability. Together with other BruBotics research groups, R&MM searches to improve these new kinds of robots and studying the new range of possibilities that these robots can offer to the manufacturing industry.

Featured projects

Project name

ClaXon: cobots in the industry

iMinds ICON Project ClaXon: Towards a Smoother Human-Robot Collaboration in the Manufacturing Industry

Project name

AltaCro: Rehabilitation exoskeleton

ALTACRO rehabiliation exoskeleton: Automated Locomotion Training using an Actuated Compliant Robotic Orthosis

Project name

Self-Healing Actuators

Self-Healing Actuators Make Breaking Your Robot No Big Deal

Project name

Cyberlegs: lower-limb prosthesis

EU FP7 project Cyberlegs: Cybernetic Lower-Limb cognitive Ortho-Prosthesis. Image: (c) Massimo Brega

Project name

MIRAD: a lower limb assistive exoskeleton

IWT SBO MIRAD: an integrated Methodology to bring Intelligent Robotic Assistive Devices to the user, with a lower-limb exoskeleton as demonstrator.

Project name

H2R: Human-like locomotion

The EU FP7 project H2R aims to demonstrate human-like gait and posture in a controlled compliant biped robot

Project name

Dream: the next generation robot-enhanced therapy

The EU FP7 Dream project aims to deliver the next generation of Robot-Enhanced Therapy (RET) for children with autism.

Project name

SPEAR: Series-Parallel Actuators for Robotics

The ERC Starting Grant of prof. Bram Vanderborght

Project name

Spexor back support exoskeleton

The EU H2020 Spexor project: Preventing low-back pain with a novel and effective spinal exoskeleton

Project name

Exskallerate: Boosting SME adoption of exoskeletons

INTERREG EXSKALLERATE: Boosting SME adoption of exoskeletons in construction and manufacturing industries

Project name

SHERO: Self-Healing Soft Robotics

Horizon 2020 FET Open: Developing fully-autonomous self-healing soft robotic devices

Project name

SOPHIA: deploying robots for improved ergonomy

EU H2020 SOPHIA: Three BruBotics research groups joining forces to improve our work

Project name

SAFER: Rehabilitation Robot

A robot that can feel what a therapist feels when treating a patient, that can adjust the intensity of rehabilitation exercises at any time according to the patient's abilities and needs, and that can thus go on for hours without getting tired: it seems like fiction, and yet researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and imec have now finished a prototype that unites all these skills in one robot.

Project name

RevalExo: lower-limb rehabilitation exoskeleton with multimodal sensors

A wearable lower-limb exoskeleton that assists activities of daily living and enables data-driven remote rehabilitation.

Project name

AidWear: AI-driven wearable robots

The AidWear project aims to develop the artificial intelligence frameworks that are necessary to enable Robotic Assistive Devices (active prosthetics and lower-limb exoskeletons) that give Parkinson’s patients and individuals with an amputation a better quality of life. Building on the results of the AI4exo project and taking advantage of existing hardware, AidWear will advance three areas of interest: intention detection, mid-level optimization, and dynamic simulation.

The project will generate international exposure for Belgian AI and robotics through participation in the 2024 CYBATHLON competition. Furthermore, there are concrete paths to provide a return to society, such as technology transfer to existing Belgian start-ups, reduced healthcare costs for two large patient groups, and dissemination activities to showcase the potential of AI and robotics in healthcare.

This project is made possible by the Federal Public Service for Policy and Support.

In het kort:

De onderzoeksgroep robotica van de ingenieursfaculteit spitst zich toe op onderzoek naar zowel fysieke als cognitieve mens robot interactie. Daarbij ontwikkelt ze of voert ze onderzoek naar exoskeletons, protheses, collaboratieve robots, sociale robots, actuatoren, zelfhelende robots en humanoide robots. 





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